Well hello there. I'm am writing with a better attitude and more positive outlook on life. It's funny how getting rid of anger in your heart (or at least trying) makes everything better. There is no news yet on my Grandpa's condition, but he is surrounded by people who love him- in thoughts, prayers, in person, in spirit, and via phone contraptions. I am currently sipping on some mediocre mango juice that was given to me last night from a Korean man at my neighborhood mini mart. He asked where I was from, why I was here, and my age. Apparently from those crucial facts, he decided that I needed some mango juice in my life. I thanked him, bowed, and left the store. As I was leaving, he said that he would see me tomorrow. I thought that was funny being I had never seen him before and he was just a random man in the store. It's just a guess, but I am assuming that he had a few shots of soju (Korean liquor that goes down like water). Hmm.. I think I should take advantage of my "American celebrity status" and go to more expensive places and casually mention that I am an American. I will keep you posted on my schemes.
Random thoughts of the week/ encounters... Be excited
- There are many beggars near the subway stations and in the more touristy areas. The beggars are usually physically handicapped or they are "faking it" to make more money. Some lay on platforms that have wheels on the bottom and they move themselves with their arms- scooting around a certain area. They have half of their legs covered and feet with some sort of fabric or rubber covering. They are trying to make it seem like they have no feet. Apparently, it used to be a common practice to cut off people's feet if they were handicapped, so others would be more likely to give more money or help them. I see this man near my subway station everyday and I always used to feel so bad for him, until I found out that he was an impostor. I tutor early in the morning and take the subway. I saw him setting up his "station" and he was WALKING. Yes, he has feet! I was so angry when I saw him and I wanted to go chew him out so badly, but I knew he wouldn't understand what I was saying. Grrr...
- Korean women wear shorts year-round. They like to sport tights/leggings under them.
- Korean women make me look like a slob, even on my best day. They wear heels EVERYWHERE. Some even wear them hiking. Stupid. They are dressed up almost daily.
- I rarely see old people with gray/white hair. I think they all get their hair dyed or have some sort of secret that I am unaware of.
- Some major cosmetic surgeries here are lightening of the skin, eye surgery to make the eyes appear rounder, and narrowing of the face and nose. Also, the usual one's that are common in the US- lipo, implants, etc.
- Korean people are very superstitious. The number 4 is an unlucky number here. In Chinese characters it means death, so Koreans try to avoid it at all costs. Many buildings use the letter H for the number 4. Imagine my confusion when I was trying to find the 4th floor in the elevator a few months ago. Also, they do not keep a room fan on throughout the night. All fans (so I've heard) have an automatic shut off. They believe that if it is kept on through out the night, they will be sucked out the window or into the fan. Yes, very strange.
-It's not strange to see men and women holding hands or locking arms with their friends of the same sex. They are very touchy-feely people.
- Even toddlers know that it is respectful to bow and do it. SO cute.
- I have a class of 3rd graders that gives me Korean language tests and sadly, I usually fail. I would love to take some classes, but none are offered when I am available.
- I want to somehow steal Koreans metabolism. Many eat awful food, but somehow stay freakin tiny! The only way I could be that small is to stop eating all together. Considering that I just finished breakfast and I am already thinking about what I will be having for lunch, I don't think that is in the cards for me.
- I was grocery shopping yesterday and saw that they sell canned bugs. They look like fatty grubs or meal worms. GROSSSSSSSS.
- Koreans are crazy about the WBC (World Baseball Classic). They were so PISSED that Korea lost to Japan. Due to Korea's long conflicting history with Japan, Korea always wants to be bigger and better than Japan. I was telling the business men this morning that I'm guessing the majority of the American people are unaware of the baseball league/championship and the fact that we lost to Japan this past week. Almost everyone follows it here and it has been the major topic of conversation among my students. Some even watched it in school!
Alrighty. That's enough for now. I am headed to a cherry blossom festival this weekend and it is supposed to be beautiful! Spring has arrived in Seoul and it is wonderful. Flowers are starting to bloom. I can't wait for summer! Hope the weather is warming up for you as well.