Hellllooo. Hope all is well with you! It has been a busy few weeks here. We got a new teacher at my school last week, which is really exciting! Her name is Patty and she is from New York. She is really cool! Yeah for new friends! She lives in my building as well. We have been hanging out a lot and I've been showing her the ropes in Seoul. It's kinda fun being on the other side of things- not being the lost, new person. Although, I have gotten her lost with my fabulous sense of direction. haha. It's weird to think that I have been here almost 7 months and I am not new anymore. Wowsers. I have been meeting a lot more people in the recent. It seems like people are coming out from hiding after a long winter or something. I am definitely loving it here even more. Spring/summer always makes things better. BUT I miss you all terribly.
It was Buddha's bday a couple weeks ago and I went to a temple near my house to check out all the lanterns. It was beautiful. The pictures don't do it justice. People who practice Buddhism, treat Buddha's bday as Christians would for Christmas.

It was teacher's day here on Friday. It. Was. Awesome! It was like Christmas. I got tons of flowers, nylons (strange), body spray, cute cards, food,lotion, and a very generous gift certificate to OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE. Yahoo. Honestly, my favorite gifts were the cards from students saying they loved me. That is why I am a teacher- to make a difference. I hope that is why people are teachers and if not, maybe they need to pick a new profession.
Did you know....
- A plastic surgeon/ dermatologist came up to me in the subway last week, pointed to my freckles, and started speaking Korean to me. After a few minutes of trying to communicate with each other and not understanding what he was saying, the man next to me turned to me and said, " He wants to change your face." AKA laser off your freckles. I was pissed. Who does that?? I kindly said no and smiled (the fakest smile in the history of the world), while saying curse words in my head. grrr. Thankfully, I am not 13 or I would be scarred for life. Please, be nice to the speckled folk.
- while shopping for shoes this past weekend, I realized I have a bigger size than almost all of the stores sell. Just call me "Big Foot". Welcome to Asia.
- Korea celebrates "Parents' Day". They used to only celebrate "Mother's Day", but 15 years ago the fathers got angry that they weren't being recognized, so they combined the day for both parents.
- Korean daughters are very much pressured by their families to "live the dream". Daughters are very likely to do everything their parents tell them and it's very rare for them to disobey their wishes. For example, career choices, traveling, education, etc. Remember, Korean children live with their parents/family until they marry. I would be a bad Korean daughter.
- Koreans DO NOT want to be tan. They purchase face/skin products to whiten their skin.
- My first grade students asked me if I had freckles on my butt. After I stopped laughing hysterically, I told them not to worry about it.
- I bought a guitar last week. I went with my friend Christina to a park to play around with my new toy. I took it out of the bag and was trying to figure out how to put the strap on. I noticed the all these old men were surrounding us. I asked Christina why they were staring at us and before she could answer, I realized they were waiting for the concert to begin. My concert. After I almost peed myself from laughing, I quickly put the guitar away. The men left.
- I met someone from Golden Valley, MN this past weekend. I knew exactly where she lived. It was was very strange. Small world.
I have some news that I really DO NOT want to admit, but I must. I have been secretly enjoying kimchi for the last couple months. I wanted to tell you, but I felt ashamed. I bashed it and swore I would never enjoy it, but my taste buds changed. I couldn't help it. I am really sorry. Forgive me.
I NEED YOUR HELP. I am wanting to volunteer in November (1-2 weeks), somewhere in Asia (close to Korea), before I leave Korea. If any of you know anyone or have any ideas, please contact me. I will go anywhere, money permitting of course. Thanks. "Here I am, send me."
I miss you all. Think of you always. Let's chat soon.
xoxo Megs
ps. Does anyone still read this blog???