I have come to my senses and I will NOT be running the half marathon. Enough said.
I went to Jeju at the end of July for our summer break. Jeju is an island south of South Korea. It is Korea's largest island. It's a volcanic island covered in volcanic rock (go figure). I would describe it has the Florida or Hawaii of Korea. It is beautiful- but the city isn't that wonderful.
We went to one of many waterfalls that are located on Jeju. perdy.
wimpy waterfalls.
The girls.
THE waterfalls.
The reason Korea makes me cringe.
I shall call this summer "the summer of dragon flies." They are EVERYWHERE. I USED to like them.
We took a ferry to a small island off of Jeju called Udo. We rented bikes for the day and rode around the island to the different beaches. It was gorgeous. I could stay there for a week. Bliss.

Seaweed was scattered everywhere along the coast. Grandmas and Grandpas were seen picking up the dried seaweed and placing them in piles to be picked up and then sold. I'm hoping they do some sort of cleaning process before we get them on our plates. Grody. Korean grandparents are hard workers. I don't think they retired until they are 80. Hopefully, I will remember that when I am their age. You can do anything, health permitting of course. It doesn't matter how old you are, it's how you feel.
Seaweed covering the ground. yum.
Grandma searching for sea creatures to eat or sell.
We went hiking up Mt. Halla. It was soo beautiful. I am not a fan of hiking, but I brought my ipod with me and zoned out to wonderful bumpin tunes. I have never been in a place that felt so mystical. The fog would come out of nowhere. Sometimes i couldn't see anyone in front of me because it was so thick. I felt like I was in the movie. I was hoping that I wasn't about to get eaten by a vampire. Let's just say I survived. We didn't have time to make it to the top. I was devastated. NOT. We hiked for about 6 hours that day and spent the first 2 hours running up the mountain trying to reach the halfway point before it was closed. Mission unsuccessful. Oh well.
tata for now. Off to watch my first soccer game in Korea. I can't wait. Speaking of sports, I am very angry about Brett Favre signing with the Vikings. They are lame. Brett Favre sucks. Traitor.
Hope you all are wonderful and enjoying the last few days of summer. Relax. Play outside. Have fun. :)
ps. Congrats Eryn and Jeff!!! <3 love you!