Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello! I Like Pizza.

I can't believe I have been here almost 3 weeks! Time has flown by and it is really starting to feel like it is my new home. I love the city, because there is so much to do here. You really have to look at where you are to find the hidden treasures. There are so many little restaurants, cafes, tea shops, and random street venders of food/fried goodies of Heaven. I have been eating more meat than I previously intended, because I feel safer eating things than I though I would. Koreans love their squid and kimchi. You see squid at every vender and kimchi is a staple at every meal. Many Koreans make the peace sign (like the children in my pictures) when taking pictures and say, "Kimchi!" I don't really understand the combo.... kimchi brings peace... to your belly? Hmmm...? I have tried squid and I hate it. It is very chewy and hard. Many people eat squid that has been dried. It is the perfect little snack. ha. Stores have squid placed next to the registers, just like we would put candy or other random last minute "needs".  I'm sure a few of you are cringing at this very moment! 

Did you know...

- Seoul's population is around 10 million. Half of the country's population lives in Seoul.
-1998 Summer Olympics were here.
- Korean people are very closed-minded individual's and seem to be stuck in the 50's. Homosexuality is completely underground and they are not accepted. Racism is very much alive here. I had a class on Friday point to a "black man" in a book and ask if he was from America. They were all laughing at the photo and making comments like "He is so dark." I tried explaining that we are all different and that makes us special. I told them to look at me and see how different I am from them. They didn't understand. I was blown away.    
- Korean people are very affectionate towards friends of the same sex. I see them holding hands, locking arms, and hugging everywhere I go. It is the complete opposite of couples. I mostly just see couples holding hands.  
- Koreans' drive on the same side of the road as we do, but walk on the opposite side. Sometimes, there is no orderly fashion and you just have to pay attention. They are always on their phones and not paying attention.
- Koreans will come up to me and say hello. They love speaking whatever english they know. I have heard, "Hello, I like pizza." many times.  
- I feel safer here than I did in Denver. 

I hope you have a wonderful day! I just had some real coffee that I bought and I feel wonderful. My cold is almost gone! Wohhooo! Let me know if you have any questions! :)



jennysartoris said...

I think you should respond: Hello, I like kimchi! (not really, but it's okay to tell a little fib)

I love reading your posts! So much fun....keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE hearing that you are feeling at home in Korea. Did you ever think you could feel at home in a country that is SO different from ours?!

Freckles said...

No, I never thought I would feel so relaxed here. It is pretty crazy! I guess it was meant to be! :)