This is what I have learned so far...
- Samsung is the most popular electronics brand here- It is a Korean based company. It is one of the only cellphone brands here.
- Their cellphones have a dice game on their high tech phones. You actually shake the phone and it rolls the dice in the game. It is a popular drinking game for men. If you lose, you have to take a shot. Drinking is not really an option at business meetings. It is part of the culture and you have to partake in it if you want to succeed in your company.
- It is ok to tell the teacher (me) that they are sorry for leaving class many times due to their "hungover state" and the need to visit the bathroom.
- One of the guys said that he has tried to change his wife- he wants her to have the same values, views, and behaviors. He said that it has been a "lost cause" because she is not changing the way he wants her to. I tried not to laugh when he told me that. DUH! Maybe he needs another wife or a clone of himself.
- Most families are only having one child these days. Believe me, I can tell which students are an only child. They are the ones who whine and cry when they don't get their way. Spoiled little munchkins.
- Most girls don't play any sports. The men couldn't believe that I was on a soccer and ski team. The society here is very much still stuck in the 1950's when it comes to women and their independence.
- I'm pretty sure the men think I'm crazy. They look surprised by everything that I say. I'm not sure if it is language barrier or the fact that I am not a proper, composed, and timid young woman. ha. Time will tell.
- Almost all of the men smoke here. Many women smoke, as well, but they smoke in the bathroom stalls and other places to hide their habit. Again, 1950's double standard.
Ok... That's all I've got for now. I am headed to Japan tomorrow morning. I am really excited. Its going to be interesting, because I have no clue what we will be doing once we are there. I am going with my friend Brittney. We are spending a day in Kyoto (I think that is the right spelling?) and 2 days in Tokyo. I'm excited to eat sushi for the next 4 days. It is my favorite! Remember grandpa when I tricked you and made you eat sushi? haha. I'm so mean. Who tricks a blind man and makes him eat something that he would never try on his own? I do! This is probably how he felt after he ate it...
hahaha. I'm pretty sure he said a few "naughty" words, as well. I will get in trouble from my parents if I say them. We all know Grandpa Schwartz swears like a sailor, literally. (He was in the Navy.)
I will fill you in about Japan when I get back. Have a great weekend!
ps. I have been here 3 months already! This past month has really flown by! It's strange how everything here is familiar now. I feel like this is home, for now. I don't even notice that I am the minority anymore.
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