Howdy! I'm jamming to country music, so that greeting sounds appropriate. I heard a country music song in a fine bar establishment last night and I practically fell out of my chair. I sang every word and my friends wanted to disown me. I think it is quite sad that some people will not allow themselves to fall in lovvve with country. Come on, people! It will change your life. I promise. :)
Anyways, I have had busy week or so! Last weekend I ventured to Busan. It is the 2nd largest city in South Korea and is located on the southern coast. It is quite different than Seoul. The buildings are much smaller and everything is a lot more condensed. I actually felt more stressed out in the city because there were soo many signs on the buildings and they had crazy lights everywhere. However, the people seem a lot more laid back than Seoul. They have a beach vibe, which I REALLY enjoy. We pretty much spent all of our time on the beach sipping on wine, watching the water, playing in the sand, people watching, and talking with other foreigners or Koreans. There were some idiot American boys one evening who thought it would be a good Idea to shoot each other with fireworks. I think their massive consumption of soju or beer made them believe that they were Harry Potter or something and they could shoot people with their "magic wands". Thankfully, they got kicked off the beach before I had to use my mad skills and introduce them to my guns (massive muscular arms). The weather was only in the 70's, so I didn't go swimming. My friends did, though, and I still think they were crazy. I would like to report that sharks are not that common in the waters around South Korea- yahooo. I will definitely go swimming next time and breathe easy knowing jaws isn't looking to make me it's next meal.
Me, Christina, and Patty (new friend and teacher at my school.)
At a crazy carnival. People actually pay to ride these dirty, smelly, and slow giant stuffed animals.
Beautiful. I starred at this scenery for hours.
Storm in the mountains.
Cute :)
I need to try this someday... but on a lake so I don't get eaten my sharks. That would put a damper on the fun.
This boy was so proud that he found a turtle. I'm wondering if he brought it home for dinner... yummm.... haha. Turtle soup anyone?
The cutest little girl (see next picture) and mom.
Adorable kids wrestling in the sand. We watched them run and play for over an hour. They were like the energizer bunnies, but way cuter. I wanted to steal them. For real. Don't worry, I didn't. I want a puppy first. Then I will move on to stealing children.
So it was a great weekend. It was something I definitely need. I have been feeling a little burned-out lately with teaching and life in Seoul. I am taking a month off from tutoring in July and can't wait. working 10+ hours a day gets old. I'm on countdown mode.
There is something about the ocean that awakens my soul. It is so refreshing. I hope you all can find that wherever you are. We all need to let it all go every once and a while. Do it. Be at peace. Listen to country music. ha.
More to come. I have a lot to say. Stay tuned.
Happy Birthday, Casey! Love you!
1 comment:
Hi Megan,
Thanks for all the news and great pictures. I enjoy your blog very much! Take care.
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