Friday, November 20, 2009

Same Same, But Different- so says SE ASIA

Greetings from Krabi, Thailand! I will catch you up on a few days!

Bangkok- It was a very touristy city. We mostly stayed on the famous street of Khaosan Road which is full of restaurants, bars, and shopping. We did encounter a lot of men asking us if we wanted to go to the "ping pong show". You can use your imagination about what that is. Friends of ours warned us about the show and found out for themselves first hand that it was not ping pong. HA! We went to the Royal Palace in Bangkok which was beautiful. If you look at my pics, they are the ones with the gody temple-looking buildings and statues. It is famous for the green Emerald Buddha. People come from all over the world, especially Thailand come to see the statue. It is a very holy experience for them. It was pretty incredible. On our last day in Bangkok we went to a floating market. It was a really interesting way of selling different foods. These old women were so good at multi-tasking- steering the boat, making the food (when needed), advertising by yelling at us to buy, and handing the food to customers without falling in. I know that I would probably fall in the dirty water if I ever went into that business. Good thing I'm a teacher.

We took an an overnight train to the island of Koh Pha Ngan (Southeast of Thailand ).Side note- We saw the movie 2012 while waiting for the train. It was in Thai. I think the movie is much more entertaining in another language. Anyways, back to the train. The train was pretty old and sketchy. To me, it sounded like we were going to crash every few minutes, so I didn't sleep very well that night. Once again, I found myself saying many prayers that I would survive another crazy transportation experience in SE Asia. I was also trying to keep an eye on our belongings. People would come on the train at every stop to get the passengers to buy their food, so theft was very easy. The only casualty was shampoo. Poor thing. Anyhow, we made it to our destination by ferry. We got caught in a minor monsoon downpour, but we are tough. Little did we know it was going to rain the next 2 days. I have NO photos of that island. Sad face. We were happy to leave and head west.

Next we took a ferry and a bus to Krabi, which is where we are now. We arrived yesterday afternoon and had a few hours of sun before it rained. It is a beautiful beach town on the southwest coast. Today we went kayaking through the jungle. We didn't see any crocodiles, but we saw a big lizard thing and MONKEYS- lots of them. The monkeys jumped on our kayak and I almost peed myself. They were looking for food, but didn't find anything so they moved on to the next victims. We were given strict advice not to pet them- duh. Rabies, no thank you. After the kayak excursion, we headed on an elephant trek. Our guide was only 17 and named Amnie. We bonded. We made strange noises in the jungle and sang the Indiana Jones theme song for him. It was so cool. Probably one of my favorite things we have done so far. Very surreal. Not a lot to say other than GREAT DAY! :)

Thailand has been great so far- other than the weather. I guess monsoon season is late this year, but hopefully we will have good weather in the next few days. It is very touristy and nothing like Cambodia. In Cambodia I felt like we were on the "road less travelled" and here I feel like the road is paved with loads of foot prints and trucks. It is beautiful-not get me wrong, but in a different way. I can't wait to see more of the island. Tomorrow we head to the island of Phi Phi (sounds like Pee Pee). It is supposed to wonderful. I will let you know.

So, the trip has been wonderful! I currently have a possible sinus infection, but I got some anti-biotic and should be better soon. A few stomach issues, but we are A-O-K.

Thai food- Good, but not super impressed. Fruit is cheap and yummy. The curries are wonderful. Pad Thai, ehh. I have had better in the states. Here, pad Thai is a cheap noodle dish that is nothing special and sold on the streets for less than a dollar. It seems like the West has made it into a dish that truly doesn't exist in real Thailand. Oh well. :)

My pics are all updated. Check them out if you feel like it.

Hope all is well. Miss you all. I'm having dreams about home. It must be close.

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