Hi Friends! I'm sitting in my apartment listening to tunes (Zac Brown Band- weeee! Also, stuffing my face with chocolate wonders.), and crossing my fingers and toes, hoping my internet won't cut out. I am currently stealing internet from my gracious neighbors who have no idea. Thanks. I hope it continues. In Korea, foreigners cannot open an account for anything (cellphone, utilities, cable, etc.) unless you have your alien registration card. You have to get a physical and pass numerous test, including a drug and AIDS test. If you don't pass you won't need to open any accounts because you will be kicked out of the country. Yeah, they mean business. Fortunately, I have my secretive contacts and was able to get a pre-paid phone. Weee! Well, it has been an interesting week-ish of getting readjusted in Korea. Where do I begin????
My apartment-
It's cute. Pictures to come. I'm too lazy right now. Hey, at least I'm honest.
My neighborhood-
It's cute as well. There are lots of restaurants, shops, bars, people, food, markets, a huge park (Olympic Park) with paths and sculptures, food, and food. Did I mention food? I think I am going to love it!
My school- Kangnam Poly
So far so good. There are 26 other foreign teachers, so it was very easy to meet people right away. I work with ALL girls in the morning, so that will be interesting. I just hope everyone isn't pmsing around the same time. Eeek! Sorry boys. My school is a lot more organized than my other school, but the hours are longer. One day a week I have 11 classes, but Fridays I have prep periods all day. Strange. The staff has been SUPER helpful, which is greatly appreciated because there is a lot to learn. Everything has to be done a certain way, otherwise Korean parents complain and we don't want that. Korean mothers can be scary. Today was my first day of teaching. It was not awful, but it was sooo hectic. There is another girl (Kaila) who started the same day as me, so we have been banding together and chatting about everything that we don't know how to do. Fun times. I am currently subbing for two weeks for a teacher who just finished her year contract and went home for vacation. It will be a good transition. However, I am subbing for pre-school in the mornings. It is not my ideal age, but it's alright. I sing a lot of songs and tell them to stop picking their noses. I've had worse mornings. :) My permanent schedule will be kindergarten through 4th grade. I miss teenagers. I know, I am crazy.
I'm hoping my students will get over the freckle shock by the end of the week. I've had pre-schoolers trying to erase them, rub them, and ask a bajillion questions about them. I'm freckled out. Did you know I look like Pippy Longstocking? Me either. My first grader thinks so.
I have had so much fun catching up with friends and wandering the city. I'm so excited for this year. It's a whole different year. My first day wasn't terrifying. Last year, I survived on tuna and crackers that I brought from home for the first few days until I had the courage to go into stores or get on the subway. The little Korean I knew is slowing coming back to me.
My brain is mush. It has been a long day. I hope you are all well. I miss you already. Pictures soon- I promise.
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