My friends Christina, Patty, and I. I call this "crazy street". There is a "crazy street" like this in almost every neighborhood. Yeah, Korea!
Well, hello there. I'm enjoying a lazy Saturday of drinking coffee, catching up on a few shows, and domestic duties. I'm pretty much on cloud nine right now. Yesterday was Teacher's Day here in Korea. It is basically a day for parents to give teachers wonderful gifts and in return, they are hoping their child's teachers will remember that when they are writing report cards. Modern day bribery at its best. However, my school has a strict policy about only accepting single carnations, handmade cards, or food that can be shared. They even sent a letter home to ensure that parents know our rules. A few teachers had to call parents and have them come to school to pick up gifts that could not be accepted. I received a lot of flowers, cards, and chocolate. My favorite gifts were the handmade cards. I love reading little notes from kindergartners saying "I love you", "Your clothes are pretty", or anything else they feel like sharing. One child wrote in his card about how tramatized he was after we had our earthquake and fire drills at school this week. He would prefer to never have them again because they were very scary. Clearly, I need to spend some time in class on Monday discussing the importance of them and how "fun" they can be. Poor little guy. All of the teachers were given a nice gift of money from our bosses and a special lunch at our school which included a homemade salad. Salad is a luxury here. Korean food doesn't really consist of many salad options. If you want it, you have to go to the grocery store and make it yourself. With that said, I don't eat salad often. :)
I also have some other exciting news!!!!!!! After weeks of stressing about getting home in July for one of my best friend's wedding, prices dropped and I was able to get another day off of work (I was denied when I asked my boss the first time). Prayers were answered! Yeah! I booked my flight home today!!!! I will be home July 14-19. It will be a very hectic few days, but I can't wait. I hope I get to see you all! I appologize in advance if I look or act like I am on drugs during those few days. I'm hoping all the excitement will help with all the jet lag that I will be experiencing then. Ha! 2 months!!
It's Buddha's birthday next week, so there is a huge lantern festival tomorrow in his honor. I'm so excited that I will be in town for it. I missed it last year. I will put up pictures this week! Get excited.
I hope you have a wonderful, stress-free weekend. Enjoy your loved ones. Make it your own "Friends and Family Day" and tell them how much you love them. You can never tell them enough.
Thank you for being in my life. You are loved.
I love you too, John Mayer.
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