HI friends! This past weekend was Parents' Day in Korea. I have decided to celebrate it as well being I am here. I have been eating a lot of kimchi, so I'm practically Korean, right? :) Happy Parents' Day Mom and Pops. Love you. I dedicate this blog to you. Your gift is on backorder. It will arrive sometime after my first pay check rolls into my empty bank account on FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited?
Can you believe it has already been a month??? I am blown away how fast it went! If you asked me what I have done in the last month, I'm not so sure that I could tell you. I have been fully enjoying Korean food and everything that it offers me- joy, smiles, and a plump tummy. I especially enjoy getting free lunch and dinner at my work. It is a dream come true for a poor child who hasn't worked in a while AND never cooks. It takes a lot of energy to walk down two flights of stairs to our kitchen and fill my plate full of food. However, sometimes bad things happen when you don't know exactly what you are eating. Last week, I was minding my own business and eating peacefully with my other co-workers. I took a bite of what I thought was ONLY vegetables and noticed a fishy taste as I was beginning to chew. A second later, I felt a small pointy thing stabbing the inside if my cheek. I immediately knew what i was chewing and in a very classy way, I spit out my food and shrieked (in a classy way). I was eating dried sardines/anchovies. The eye balls were still in tact. The spine saw better days thanks to me. My stomach was not the same the rest of the day. Just another day in Korea.
I survived my first week of teaching my real students. I think I am really going to like my kindergardeners and elementary students. Of course, I miss my preschoolers. I knew I would. Grass is always greener on the other side, right? Plus, they are so freakin cute. I have decided that I am going to adopt a Korean child one day. I was also thinking it may be a little expensive for me to do this on a teacher's salary. I'm hoping that because I have been working towards spreading the English language and educating Koreans here, they will probably give me a discount on adoption, right? I think I'm going to write a letter to Lee Myung-bak (the pres) and tell him my thoughts. I'll keep you posted. Or I will just marry a Brad Pitt and adopt 8 kids. Or get a puppy. We'll see.
Random tid-bits...
-I am loving my co-workers/new friends. I work with about half Americans and half Canadians. They are a lot of fun.
-My apartment is yet to be decorated, so I am going to hold off on pictures. Give me a week.
-I got a toaster oven from a friend. I can make cookies or pizza. That's REALLY exciting, obviously not to you.
- I got to be a "tour guide" (not really) for a really cool couple (Barb and John) today from MN. I realized how fun it is going to
be have visitors. Hint. Hint. :)
On a serious note....
I have been following this blog since the earthquake in Haiti. http://livesayhaiti.blogspot.com/
They are doing a fundraiser to help build houses in Haiti. So far, they have raised enough to buy 12 houses and a company has promised to match whatever they raise- so they really have 24. Anyways, I know things are tight with everyone, but I thought I would spread the word a bit. I think they are doing amazing things for Haiti.
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