I am sure most of you have read the recent events with North Korea. I haven't really heard any Koreans talking about it, but of course us foreigners have chatted a bit. Some of us have been in Korea longer, while others are fresh off the boat. You can tell the veterans are much more at ease about everything. I am the type of person who goes through possible worse-case scenarios in my head and I think about what I would do if it were to happen to me. Lovely. Believe me, after last year's drama between the two Koreas, I have thought of everything. Although the situation is different from before, it is nothing new here. There is always something going on. North Korea is always wanting attention when the spotlight is off of them. They are the screaming child who needs attention. North Korea is completely at fault this time and should be punished for it. Unfortunately, NK people are the ones who feel most of the consequences. Most of the people are nearly, if not starving, so having no aid from South Korea (except children and infants) is a huge blow to the weak population.
Am I nervous? Yes.. It's usually after I read CNN. Am I going to continue doing what I do everyday? Yes. This life brings no guarantees for anyone. That is why we all should be living each day as if it were our last (easier said than done). No matter where you are in life, there is always uncertainty. This just happens to be something a little different from what we would normally face in the States. I will stay here until I am told otherwise by the US/Korean government or there is obvious safety issues.
I think I am here for a reason. I'm not sure what that is, but I know I'm not coming home yet. :)
If praying is your thing, please pray for peace. I will be.
ps. Stop reading/listening to/watching American news stations. They blow EVERYTHING out of proportion. Stick to
Korean/Asian news or BBC.
Update- My boss Mark talked to our head boss and told her that some foreigners were concerned about the North Korea. situation. Mark said she started laughing and thought it was quite comical. This is the typical Korean response. They are so jaded by the past that it doesn't even faze them.
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