This was not taken by me, but it is from last night. I think you can feel what I was feeling the entire evening. Remember people, this was only the first game- not the championship. I can't imagine what it would be like if Korea made it to the finals.
Getting out of the subway and arriving at City Hall was insane. There were people everywhere. It was hard to keep track of my group because everyone was in red. There was no order. People were trying to sell everything under the moon. Obviously there was no permit needed and people set up camp to sell their devil horns and squid anywhere they felt like. There were no extravagant stands. Products were laying on top of newspaper on the floor. Signs were made of cardboard and written with sharpies. No fuss. I love Korea.
Want one? I bought the horns. I think I shall sport them everyday.
The big, bad scary police. I wanted to tickle them so they would smile. They were so serious. It was not a serious evening. It's a horrible photo, but the crowds were moving so fast it was the best I could do.
Koreans will make any excuse to have a pop concert. I personally thing pre-game pop concert is a must for any sporting event.
Some of my friends I went with. I am also heading to Taiwan with them in July.
I am in love with this photo. I wish the lighting was little better. The little boy is beyond cute. I wonder if he is dreaming of playing at the World Cup one day.
My view of the game. Tippy-toes were needed at times. Good thing I am a pro at it.
Feeling a little soggy, but it was oh so worth it!
She looks familiar. Do you know her?
Crowds in front of us and behind us. Amazing.
We won!
A good end to the evening. Korean pride. I love it.
ps. I want to be their friend.
I'm sorry if you're not a soccer fan and don't care about the World Cup. How can you not? Helloooo! Does David Beckham ring a bell? I love soccer. I love everything about it. When I watch it, I go through old drills in my head and soccer terms. I can smell the field. I remember what it felt like to wear the uniform and be a part of a team that I loved. The last time I played soccer I got a black eye during the first intramural game. It was quite unpleasant, especially because I had just met ALL the players right before the game. That was the end of the season for me. Someday, I hope to dust off my cleats and play again.
GO USA and Korea!!!!!!!! Grab a beer and check out a game!
ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASEY!!!!!!! Love you!
We remember that black eye!!!!!!! Silly girl. Messages from the tots:
Falyn says: I love you Megan! I wish that I could go get ice cream with you! You look pretty in the pictures. I will see you soon and we can play at the coffee shop! Do you have coffee in Korea? And soy milk steamers?
Herschel: I love you because you are my best friend and you can watch the soccer with me! And drink milkshakes and eat veggie burgers! I will see you in Minnesota because you are coming home from Korea to see us! I want to skype you in Korea because Korea is cool. I love you Megan!
I am so excited to hug you. I will take you to my favorite coffee shop in Minnesota. I don't think they have soy milk steamers here in Korea. They don't drink a lot of soy milk here! They LOVE tofu though. See you soon! Love you!
I am so excited to hug you too! I hope we can skype soon! I would love to eat milk shakes and veggie burgers with you! Maybe we can play soccer at the park! There is a nice park right next to my house. We can walk there! See you soon! Love you!
Get ready for the fabulous place called Minnesota. You are going to be blown away!
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