Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are all enjoying this fun month of festivities and shopping! It has been an interesting month here with all of the North Korean stuff going on, but it finally seems to have blown over again surprise, surprise. It was a little nerve racking for a bit, because everyone (Koreans and foreigners) seemed to be concerned. When people around me start to worry a lot and the news makes it seem like WW3 is about to happen at any moment, it's hard not to get sucked into all that madness. I will be boycotting all N. Korean news until I leave. I'm sure my sanity will thank me later. Thank you for all your kinds words, thoughts, and prayers. They always mean a lot.
These next two weeks my co-workers, students, and I will be on count down mode for Christmas vacation. I think we are all burnt out and need time away from school and each other. My kindergarten class has their holiday play next week. It should be complete chaos, especially because we haven't practiced much in class and they all informed me that they have not been practicing at home either. Sweeeeet. We have one week to nail it and figure out what we are doing. Pictures and possible video to follow.
I have a lot of festivities planned in the 2 weeks but I am most excited for my trip to Hiroshima, Japan. I leave on the 25th- 29th. It is a trip I have wanted to take since I first arrived in Asia. I will be going by myself, which is something that has been on my mental bucket list. The me 3 years ago would have thought I was crazy. I didn't want to go to a restaurant or a movie by myself because only "loners" did that. Phew, have I changed. I realize it sounds strange, but I figure if one can travel alone, he/she can do anything. Plus, I'm staying in a hostel so there are TONS of young people around to meet and hangout with. The nerd in me is ready to get my learn on and eat an obscene amount of sushi. I have a feeling both will be wonderful. If I get lost, who is going to know? I'm hoping for better luck in Japan this time around. I don't want to be homeless for a night. It wouldn't be as much "fun" alone. Muahhaha.
Thank you for all your love and support over the last 2 years. I couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy your time with your friends and family. Eat much. Laugh more. Then, if you're like me, eat again. I will miss being home once again for the holidays, but the great thing is, they always come back again next year. Stay safe if you are traveling.
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