I am now 26 years-old. I had a great b-day of Indian food, rice cakes, and cake with wonderful friends! The wife of the restaurant owner (I think), gave me a hand-made journal from India. It is pretty amazing and I am saving it to use on my long travel adventures in November. Also, I ended the evening seeing the new Harry Potter movie. It was awesome! FYI- this is the second b-day that I watched a Harry Potter movie opening night. I am so cool. PS. One of my students told me the ending of the last book, which will be the next movie. I think I am going to give him an F on his next grade report. What a punk!
Yeah, we were bored and waiting for the movie. Dude, it was my b-day. Don't judge me. I can act like I'm 5 if I want! Yes, I made a wand out of straws.
Just hanging out with the Potter clan. Be jealous.
Now, back to being somewhat of an adult. I have made a big decision. I will be spending another year abroad! I'm not sure if I will stay in Korea or go to another country. I'm still trying to figure it out, but I will not be looking for jobs in the US. I am really excited and fired-up about it! Nothing is set in stone, and things could change, they always do. However, right now I do not feel like my place is back home. I feel like my soul needs a little more time in this ever-changing, extremely challenging, wonderful, and constantly stimulating environment. I'm not sure what is around the corner, where I will go, who I will meet, or what I will do, but I am currently content in that. I have wrestled with this decision for months. I have been trying to tell myself that I should go back home and be "normal" like the other 26ish year-olds and stay in one spot for more than 1 year, but who I am kidding. I have always known that I am not that average or "normal" speckled girl (I won't refer to myself as a woman. Women are old). So, as much as I will miss you all and am counting down the days to see you, I think there is a path for me else where for another year. Hopefully, through faith, it will be revealed to me soon. I will still be home for a month or so and hope to get a job in February. We'll see!
Korea moments... Did you know...
- Superstitions-
* Do not eat eggs or seaweed before a test because eggs break and seaweed is slippery- so you will fail.
* Eat rice cakes before a test. They are sticky and you will do well. Knowledge will stick in your brain.
* The number 4 is unlucky. 7 is lucky.
* Do not sleep with your fan on. It will either suck you into it and kill you or take away all your oxygen and kill you. Either
way, it is VERY bad to sleep with a fan on.
- My student got hit from his mother because during his talent show, he didn't read his English story loud enough and didn't
win. He wrote about this in his diary.
- A 5th grade student named Steven asked another boy, Eric, if he was the one who farted in class. Eric said, "No" but Steven
didn't like his answer, so he made Eric stand up from his chair. Then, he proceeded to smell his chair for evidence. Eric was
clear, the farting student has yet to be caught. Boys are GROSS, but hilarious.
- Koreans find it very odd that my female friends and I actually run. On numerous occasions, people literally stop and point at
us shocked- sometimes with mouths open. Sweet. I love feeling like a circus show.
- I have a new student in my class who greets me everyday by trying to rub freckles off of my arm. He still doesn't
understand that they don't come off.
- Sunday afternoon, I witnessed two guys carrying a drunk guy off the subway tracks. The train came MAYBE 20 seconds later-
from both directions. I guess he was walking and he fell. He was pretty banged up, but he was moving and able to sit
up. I'm so glad I didn't see him fall. It was tramatic enough watching them save him. He was one lucky guy.
- A Korean friend of mine was studying at his university, when he was interrupted by a group of 3rd graders who were getting
a tour. They asked him what they needed to do to prepare for university. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I didn't think about college
until high school. Talk about pressure.... Can you imagine?
- For last last month, it has been monsoon season. This is no joke. Today was the first day of sunshine in weeks. I have never
seen so much rain in my life. It down-poured for days. My clothes took days to dry due to all the moisture in the air. I went
to class soaked numerous days.
- My students fall off their chairs daily and I always laugh. It's hilarious. Am I a bad person?
- I have two new students, who happened to be identical twins and they are identically weird. They won't keep their shoes on
and their feet are always touching their face or in their mouths. Gross. At least they are flexible. Thankfully, I only have them
two days a week.
- I ate sea urchin a week ago, while I was hanging at this beach town for two days. It wasn't good. The little feelers were still
moving- just like the tentacles of octopus. The "insides" were like lumpy, runny pudding that tasted like the sea. Hmmm...
I hope you are all enjoying your month of July. Hopefully, you are able to get some relaxation time to enjoy the sun or a BBQ with loved ones. I miss you all SO much!
I have been in Korea 9 months! 4 months until I get to see you! :)
Happy Birthday, Grandma. We miss you.
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