My favorite Balinese street food dish- veggies, tofu, tempeh, and other unknowns.
Food. It's one of the first things I think of when I wake up and it's a constant thought throughout the day. I get excited about venturing out in Seoul on the weekends and finding new places. I always wonder what my lunch at school is going to be, since I never know what is going to be on my plate until I walk downstairs to the kitchen. Sometimes, even then I am unsure of the substance. I usually ask a lot of questions and hope it isn't squid or dried fish. It has come to my attention in recent years that I really enjoy food. Especially after traveling with Brittney (not Brittney Spears) who is notorious for window food shopping. Seriously. I think she has a problem. :) I love trying new foods for the most part, but I have become more adventurous since I have landed on Korean soil. With that said, I also love eating and drinking things that are familiar to me. I have had an amazing food/drink week. It has been so great, I think I'll share it with you. Here is what I have found...
- Large affordable quantities of tea.
- Granola bars that actually resemble my favorite Kashi ones from back home.
- Mueseli cereal which has changed my mornings. Check it out if you don't know what it is. I LOVE it! I ate it everyday when I was traveling throughout SE Asia. I actually was so excited when I saw it that I did a little dance. I wanted to call someone, but I knew no one would share my excitement. At least no one in Korea. :)
- COFFEE!!!! I went to go buy coffee today and they now sell it in 2lb tin for about 19 dollars!!! That is a steal for Korea. I have been paying about $16 for a tiny bag.
- Alley Cat beer. A beer that actually has flavor and doesn't taste like water. Phew! I was beginning to lose hope. Colorado breweries have made me a beer snob and I finally feel content with two beers to choose from when I feel like splurging. FYI- Import brewskies are usually double the price compared to domestic Korean choices.
-Smoothie King. Expensive, but tastes ALMOST like Jamba Juice. I've known about it since I arrived last year, but I just never wanted to cheat on Jamba. Feelings change. I've changed. Yum.
I've heard that Korea has made new trade embargoes with other European countries. If that is true, I would like to thank them for making their products more affordable and assessable me. Weeeee!
You may be thinking to yourself, "Woopy!" or "Not exciting" but seriously people, THIS IS HUGE! Do you sense my excitement? It is a quick, temporary fix when I am feeling homesick. Also, It is a meal a day that I have control over (not Korean) and that I cook. Does pouring cereal, milk, and yogurt into a bowl count as cooking? I think so! I'm sure my mother would approve. It is a start to future domestication. Hmmm.... I'm starting to make myself nervous. Forget I said that.

My favorite Korean snack. Rice cakes. They are all different kinds filled with red bean. YUM. You either love them or hate them. They have a chewy/gooey consistency. One of my friends said it reminds her of glue that is starting to dry. I get it, but I still love them.
I'm heading to Taiwan for 5 days in July. I leave 4 days after I get back from MN. It will be a crazy couple weeks and I can't wait! More food adventures! :)
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Enjoy your day off!